Abhishek Pandey />


Abhishek Pandey

There is no alternative to lifelong learning to maintain the sustainability and protect our future generation. The online learning (OL), Open and Distance Learning (ODL) and e learning gives the opportunity of lifelong learning. In September 2020, the UGC had created many rules for all online courses in India. The circular by UGC states the criteria that those universities accredited by the National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC) have a score of more than 3.01 on a scale of 4, or falls in the top 100 list of the National Institutional Ranking Framework are eligible for fully online courses. The success of the University running online learning programmes has come through effective implementation of learner support services. Learner support services are the most vital component of any open and distance learning (ODL) system. The success of the university is depending on high quality academic programmes, method of programme delivery and support services offered to the learners. This requires communication network between the learner and faculty, peer to peer interaction and counselling sessions. The strength of an Online Education institute depends on its services which are provided to the learners. On one hand, the learners of this system are adult; on the other hand, they belong to disadvantaged groups like dropouts, scheduled cast, scheduled tribe, women, minorities, housewives etc.

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