Ukraine is among the top countries with highly educated population. Although in our country people still believe in the myth that once you get a diploma, you will get a job and earn good money, young people believe that a university degree is a waste of time. Higher education in our country has depreciated not because it is available to many people, but because the quality of education has become second-rate. Many graduates leave to study in Poland, the Czech Republic, France and other countries. Let's try to figure out why. Having worked as a university teacher for more than 20 years, I asked myself this question many times. Our students do not want to study and this demotivates teachers. In addition, the work of the teacher has completely gone down in value, and the teachers themselves have lost their authority. Corruption is rampant and many universities have turned into "shops" for issuing diplomas. A whole state system has been built, the participants of which master all the techniques of marketing. How to break this vicious circle? Without truly educated specialists, our country has no future. In addition, the level of education of the population affects the quality of our life. And we all want to live better in a new Ukraine, liberated from the communist past.

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