Kuzyshyn Olha Vasylivna, Baziuk Lilia Volodymyrivna />


Kuzyshyn Olha Vasylivna, Baziuk Lilia Volodymyrivna

Nowadays, the development of information and communicational technologies allows to modernize the education process in general schools, utilizing various trends of the contemporary education. New methods of teaching natural sciences, as well as chemistry, have to deal with up-to-date requirements for using information technologies 4. Applying information and communicational technologies (ICT) within chemistry training allows to intensify the educational process, accelerate the knowledge and experience transfer, as well as upgrade the quality of study and education 4. Multi-media presentations, Internet-resources during the lessons give teacher an opportunity to explain the theory understandable, increase the pupils’ interest for study, keep their attention in a better way.

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